Project IGI 1 I'm Going In is a Action And Shooting Game. Project IGI 1 I'm Going In Game Developer is Innerloop Studios. Project IGI 1 I'm Going In Game Publisher is Eidos Interactive. Project IGI 1 I'm Going In Release in Europe on December 15, 2000. This Game Platform is Microsoft Windows. It is one of the first computer games to feature realistic weaponry and tactical combat situations.In This Game Many Weapons Like Pistol, Bombs, Rocket Launcher, Rifle, Machine Gun, Flash Bombs And More. Upon release the game garnered mixed reviews due to a number of shortcomings, such as poorly programmed A.I., lack of a mid-game save option, and the lack of multiplayer features. Project IGI 1 I'm Going In Graphics is Very Clear. This Game is a Super Duper Hit Action Game. David Jones is sent off to find Josef Priboi, a Russian arms dealer who is believed to have information on a stolen nuclear warhead. As he helps Captain Harrison, apprehend Josef, he discovers that the brains of the operation is Josef's uncle Jack, whom Jones then attempts to apprehend instead. Project IGI 1 I'm Going In Game System Requirement is Very Very Good For Your PC. He discovers his location by planting a virus in Jach's communications center. Project IGI 1 I'm Going In is My Favorite Game. While Jach Priboi is taken away in helicopter by Jones, he is shot down by Ekk. The Russians take Priboi, as well as Jones' equipment. Project IGI 1 I'm Going In is Very Successful Game. The Jones then has to clear the Enimies border and find his equipment. Jones then hijacks the Enimies train carrying Priboi and takes him in for interrogation. Learning about the involvement of The Ekk, he sets off to catch her and find the nuclear weapon. The Ekk escapes on her first meeting with Jones, but The Jones kills her after finding her second hideout as well as the nuclear warhead. Project IGI 1 I'm Going In Game Best For Your Computers.
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